Coronavirus in Albania, 10 new cases are confirmed

Coronavirus in Albania, 10 new cases are confirmed

Last Updated 27 April 2020
The Ministry of Health has announced that 10 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the last 24 hours, out of 212 tests performed.
In total, the number of people infected with Covid-19 in our country is 736.
Also, 12 people were cured, bringing the number of cured people to 422.
Announcement of the Ministry of Health :
In the framework of daily information about the situation of Sars-Cov2 infection and COVID-19 disease, we would like to inform you that:
During the last 24 hours, 212 people suspected of COVID-19 have been tested .
From the test results, 10 positive cases with COVID19 have been confirmed, of which 9 cases are in Tirana, most are family contacts, and 1 new case is in Shkodra.
Until these moments are tested 7491 suspected cases and one confirmed positive with Covida-19, 736 cases.
Over the past 24 hours, another 12 patients have been added to the list of healed, bringing the total number of those cured by COVID-19 to 422 or 57.3% of the total affected.
Currently, in our country, 286 or 42.7% of the total affected are active persons with COVID19, and as can be seen, the percentage of recovering is higher. This trend is already continuing.
To date, 28 citizens have lost the battle with the disease despite the efforts of medical staff.
We would like to inform you that there are currently 29 patients in the infectious disease service. 7 patients are in intensive care, while 1 patient is intubated.
At the COVID 2 “Shefqet Ndroqi” hospital, there are 5 hospitalized patients. 2 patients are in intensive care, while 1 patient is intubated.
At two COVID hospitals, 34 patients are currently receiving services .
The Ministry of Health and Social Protection calls on all citizens to continue to respect the measures imposed as the only weapon we have in hand to curb the spread of infection.
In terms of easing some measures, it is very important to strictly follow all the instructions of the health authorities, to respect the physical distance and to maintain personal hygiene.
These measures should be respected maximally even within family circles, avoiding visits to relatives for any reason.

Written by:Refugeehome’s volunteer F.P