Lancaster Activities
Lancaster is a small city in the North West of England. We love Lancaster! There are beautiful walks, in the city and nearby. There are a lot of community groups and centres where you can find help.
List of companies and charities that help refugees in Lancaster
Click on these links for times and information.
Global Link
Tara Centre
The Sewing Circle
Lancaster District CVS
Claver Hill
East Meets West
Bikes for Lancaster
Following the Covid 19 pandemic, most services are open in person, with some restrictions:
Lancaster and Morecambe City of SanctuaryGlobal Link
Tara Centre
The Sewing Circle
Lancaster District CVS
Claver Hill
East Meets West
Bikes for Lancaster
Free online courses
For anyone who has been in the UK for 3 years and is in receipt of Universal Credit, INSPIRA - an organisation based in the YMCA building - is offering these free online courses, to help you get qualifications and into work. If you are interested, contact Inspira on 0345 658 8647 or message them through Facebook - inspiraforlife
The courses available are:
Fork Lift Truck
SIA (Security)
Retail Business
Medical Administration
Infection Control
End of Life Care
Dementia Care
Team Leading
Employability and Personal Development
Business Admin
Construction & CSCS
Awareness of Mental Health Problems
Level 1 & 2 English, and Maths
The courses available are:
Fork Lift Truck
SIA (Security)
Retail Business
Medical Administration
Infection Control
End of Life Care
Dementia Care
Team Leading
Employability and Personal Development
Business Admin
Construction & CSCS
Awareness of Mental Health Problems
Level 1 & 2 English, and Maths
Smugglers Lane Walk
Most of the face-to-face activities (apart from Claver Hill food growing project) for refugees and asylum seekers that make Lancaster so special have been suspended due to Coronavirus.
But physical exercise and being outdoors is very important for our physical and mental health, and we can now do this with a friend from outside our household.
So, why not try this 2-3 mile walk, following Sue’s clear instructions, starting on the canal at Aldcliffe Road, LA15BE?
But physical exercise and being outdoors is very important for our physical and mental health, and we can now do this with a friend from outside our household.
So, why not try this 2-3 mile walk, following Sue’s clear instructions, starting on the canal at Aldcliffe Road, LA15BE?
When you are walking or cycling, you might be interested in identifying some English nature. Click here to identify some common birds. Click here to identify some common trees , and here for wildflowers