Home Office increases funding for child refugees after warnings lone minors were being left ‘in limbo’

The Home Office has said it will increase funding towards the care of unaccompanied asylum seeking children following claims ministers have been “paying lip service” to child refugees as councils struggle to provide for them.

Immigration minister Caroline Nokes said local authorities would receive £114 for each child every day that they are in their care, regardless of the child’s age or when they entered the UK.

This equates to over £41,600 per year per child and marking a 61 per cent increase on the lowest rate that is currently paid.

Council leaders welcomed the announcement, but urged that the funding needed to be followed through so that care leaving costs for unaccompanied minors were also fully funded, as many child refugees are on the cusp of turning 18.

Announcing the funding boost, Ms Nokes said: “I recognise the vital role local authorities play in this effort and that is why I have increased the funding available for looking after unaccompanied asylum seeking children by over £30m.