How to apply for Job seeker’s Allowance

Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)

How it works

You can apply for Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) to help you when you look for work.

What you need to do

Check you’re eligible.

Make a claim and go to an interview at your local Job centre Plus office.

Keep to your agreement to look for work.

What you’ll get

There’s a maximum amount you can get – but how much you’re entitled to depends on things like your age, income and savings.

Use a benefits calculator to check how much JSA you can get, and how your other benefits will be affected.

Age JSA weekly amount
Up to 24 up to £57.90
25 or over up to £73.10
Couples (both aged over 18) up to £114.85

Jobcentre Plus
Telephone: 0800 055 6688
Textphone: 0800 023 4888

In the case of refugees

When you receive the leave to remain and after you contact and apply to the National Insurance Company (if you have not yet received it) call 08000556688

Tell them I want to apply for Jobseeker’s Allowance or an unemployed allowance.

The call duration is approximately one hour and they will ask you at the beginning of the call to the National Endurance Number. If you have not yet come and tell them that you have submitted it and wait for it, you may not accept the employee and insist that your friends did the same thing and their application was accepted before the arrival of the national number and ask him to ask the manager if I like.

This is important because in this case the request will be activated from the date of contact and you will gain the waiting time until your national number arrives. You will be given an appointment after a few days and start signing at the Job Center even before the arrival of the national number.