ONLINE - Musical Journeys 3 - Rhythms and Harmonies Around the World

ONLINE - Musical Journeys 3 - Rhythms and Harmonies Around the World

June 12, 2021

This is an online world music extravaganza, with Chinese harmony singing and Arabic percussion workshops, Caribbean and Salsa dance, and Turkish, French and Spanish music and song. There are lunchtime workshops, an evening concert and a late night dance party. The concert starts 7.30 p.m. The events will go out on Zoom and also on Facebook Live, in order to reach the widest possible audience. It's £10 for the whole day (standard rate), £2.50 for concessions, £25 for supporters, and it's free for refugees, asylum seekers and people with limited resources. Ticket money goes to pay the performers AND support two Lancaster charities, Global Link working with refugees and asylum seekers, and A.C.E. working with young people with mental health challenges. We hope you'll make this as much as a success as the last two events, which have raised over £6000, split between the performers and the two Lancaster charities. For more info and to book, go to

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