

Many asylum seekers and refugees come from places where women do not have equal rights, and have a different status to men. In the UK, womens’ rights are protected under law. In this section, you will find information in presentations and videos on women’s rights, history and how women got the right to vote, domestic violence, consent and a range of other subjects.

The Equality Act 2010

Women are protected under UK law. It is illegal to discriminate against women in the worksplace and wider society, as defined in the Equality Act 2010. A summary of this law is available for the government website : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/equality-act-2010-guidance. The Equality and Hunman Rights Commission also provides good information on this subject: https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/equality-act/equality-act-2010
The equality act protects people from discrimination based on: sex (gender), being married, being pregnant, age, religion of beief, race (colour, nationality, ethnic/ national origin), disability, sexual orientation and gender reassignment. These links give more information about equality and protection from discrimination: