Virtual Reality Exhibition: Syria to UK
Virtual Reality Exhibition: Syria to UK
This is a ten minute simulated ‘experience’ on a VR headset, where people follow in the footsteps of a Syrian boy as he and his family flee Syria, find temporary refuge in Jordan, and finally move to the UK as part of the Syrian Resettlement Programme. The ‘experience’ is suitable for young people and adults from the age of 10 upwards.

Global Link will deliver the twilight CPD on ‘Community cohesion: refugees, asylum seeking and migration’, provide schools with 10 headsets, train teachers to use the headsets, and provide accompanying teaching materials. The cost of the training, teaching resources and hire of the headsets is £350/week (with a deposit to cover damage).
This exhibition now exists as an online experience, with lesson plans for activities for students to complete at home or in the classroom.Lesson Plan for an online lesson
Learning Outcomes
Increased understanding of why people become refugees
Increased understanding of the experiences of refugees
Increased understanding of the term refugee resettlement
All students need to be able to watch this 2D short film ‘Syria to UK’, and listen to it through headphones for a more immersive experience.
The film was created as a Virtual Reality film, so if students or the school have virtual reality headsets, they can watch it here ‘Syria to UK 3D’
Students will go on a virtual journey of about 10 minutes, virtually walking in the footsteps of a Syrian boy whose family fled the war and eventually came to the UK through the Syrian Refugee Resettlement programme.
Before embarking on the journey, ask them to fill in the pre-journey documents here. . Allow 10 minutes.
Then, don the VR headsets or headphones and watch and listen to the ‘Syria to UK’ experience. Students should look at the Comprehension questions before watching, in order to listen out for the answers. Allow 10 minutes
Finally, students should answer the Comprehension questions and complete these post-journey activities.
For further extension work, the script is available Click here
Finally, please give Global Link feedback